36 weeks, baby's head is in down position but not engaged, should we be worried?

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Generally speaking, first babies tend to engage from about 34 weeks to 36 weeks. However, some babies only engage once labour starts. Try not to worry, though. Even if your baby hasn't engaged by the time labour starts, in most cases, it's not a problem. The power of your contractions will soon push your baby down. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x543054/when-should-my-babys-head-engage

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if the baby's head is positioned down at the pelvis area, isn't it considered engaged??

Sa 37 weeks ng pag bubuntis pwede na po ba mag labor at manganak??

4y trước

i yave birth at 37w4d


36weeks and 3days. 👶😊

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