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"""According po kay Dr. Chris Soriano from our #AskDok Live chat session: """"If your pregnancy is between 24 to 36 weeks and you feel or experience ANY of the following, then it is better to go to the hospital, specifically at the Labor Room, for you to be examined by the staff-on-duty so they can examine you and inform your OB-GYN. 1. Regular pain on the lower abdomen (puson) or regular contractions (paninigas) of the uterus (matres) which does not stop. 2. Vaginal spotting or bleeding. 3. Watery discharge or leaking fluid (panubigan) 4. No fetal movement or no baby kicks for the whole day. Normal fetal (baby) kicks or movements is 10 or more within 2 hours."""""""

Same tayo momy sumasakit sakit din puson ko pero nawawala din,.

Yes po mommy., better go to the hospital possible po kasi open na po cervix nyo. Godbless mommy

Yes sis

Yes momshie, need to go hosptal for chekup.

Thank you po

Yes sis

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