Wean off yaolan

Hi my 3 mths old likes to slp in the automatic yaolan. The issue is that he nap on his cot during noon, and only want to slp in yaolan at night. How can I change? Because he always cry nonstop when I tried to put him in for at midnight

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Try to stop/reduce using the auto yaolan. Our babies will get used to the frequency of rocking and would only want to sleep under the same condition to feel secure. Try to exhaust more energy of lo before bedtime (tummy time, book reading etc, warm bath), ensure baby is well fed too. Slowly rock and place in cot after baby fall asleep. Try to ensure conditions at night are consistent too (dim lights, room temperature etc). My 3.5 mth old sleep yaolan in the day but sleep through the night for 10 11 hours in the cot. Be patient and dont give up!

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