4 Replies

My son did that too and I had to fall asleep sitting up. Like all the ladies have said, it will pass. I guess I suffered only a few days. Maybe not let her cry herself to sleep? I think its quite damaging to the body and her sense of security. You can try a pacifier and think of how to wean off at a later stage. She probably just needed some comfort from hugging and your smell.

Big hugs mommy. It is pretty normal. Sometimes it's either over simulation or could be other things which is disturbing them. Try spending more time with baby during the day

VIP Member

I had the exact experience as you before. It was hectic and hell. But it was just a phase which lasted for a week and it became back to normal. Hang in there.

yes it is long! but it will get thru!

It will pass dear.sometimes babies they are just like that. The routine will keep changing as they grow.

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