Subsidised or Private?

Hi all! This is my 2nd pregnancy after 5 years. My 1st labour wasn't a good experience & will not return to that private hospital. 38hrs labour, strapped on the bed. Cannot move to my comfy position. It was a nightmare. In the end Emergency CSect. My bill was 10k & paid cash 6k. It was quite alot. So this time I was thinking to go NUH but unsure if I should go to subsidise or private (Dr Citra/Dr Vanaja). Can anyone share their experience? And I definitely want to try vBAC. Thanks

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Remains as subsidy patient currently and will upgrade closer to delivery date to enjoy pte delivery ward and care.

5y trước

I'm under the high risk subsidy clinic so the waiting time is pretty short. The fee without scan and medicine is definitely under $100 as Singaporean are heavily subsidied.

Super Mom

Private... can claim from medisave later right

5y trước

I not sure. What i know no subsidy unless have civil service card