Baby breech

25 weeks and baby is breech. Any way to make it turn? Will baby turn? :( Anyone does ECV before?

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Baby will turn when it is ready inshaAllah. i went through ECV but baby still won't turn at 36 weeks. At my age then, i wasn't advised to carry the baby to 40 weeks. Hence, I was scheduled for a c-sect a few days later due to the unsuccessful ECV. On the day of my c-sect when everybody's ready and I was anxiously waiting outside the operating theatre, doctor decided 'Let's do one last scan to see where baby is.'Lo and behold, baby had turned head down. We were asked to go back home and try for natural delivery since baby has turned head down. 😄

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12mo trước

InsyaAllah amin. I hope baby will turn soon!

Its too early for baby to turn. Most of the time from 30plus weeks. If by 35 weeks onwards yet to turn then ECV process will come in.

12mo trước

Thank you for the tips! i will follow.