7 Replies

keep the potty seat in the toilet for now and let it be there so that it becomes a familiar thing for your child. do not force your child for it right now. each time you use the washroom, tell your child that you are a grownup so you use the toilet. you can make it seem like a natural progression from a baby to a grownup. encourage your child to try it once. get something in a cute colour. your child will gradually get comfortable and more open to the idea. also, stop using diapers completely and tell your child that now your child is big and diapers are for very small babies, so potty without a diaper in the pants will mean it will all spill on the legs. if that happens once or twice your child will most likely want to try the seat.

Hi I think to initially made him sit on the potty seat be around him. Because your baby might be finding it boring to sit on it. So, stand in front of him and keep talking to him or give a toy to him so that it keeps him put. Kids do take time to get used to of using potty seat. Also, make him sit on the seat when you know he is going to poop in a while as then he would not have to sit on it for long.

Thanks Chetna.. would definitely try.

There is no remedy as such but you'll just have to keep on trying without forcing. Each time u use the bathroom tell your child about it that this is where mamma papa go for toilet. Teach cue words to your child to signal bathroom time. Get a cute potty seat in a favourite colour that sits on the main toilet seat. Let it be there so that your child gets familiar with it

thanks ☺

Ha ha... It can indeed be a tough task to potty train your toddler. In my case, I used to leave my baby girl without pants during her potty time every morning and would keep her portable potty seat closeby. She started using it from the second day itself as she was afraid her legs would get dirty :). It took her a month to get used to it :)

Wow! Great idea Geetika. I think it would work as my daughter seems to be a hygiene freak and asks me to wash her hands and mouth every now and then. 😁

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Hi. This article may help: https://sg.theasianparent.com/the-when-and-how-of-potty-training-a-toddler-find-out-the-basics

My one too refuse to use potty.... so i m also fed up

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