LO Head Scalp
My 2 month old girl head scalp suddenly look like this. May I why its peeling and what should I do to cure it?

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I read somewhere before there is a little protection layer to the scalp. dont try to rub it away, best is to ask the doc during her next vaccine appt
Looks like cradle cap. Just put coconut oil on baby’s head dauly n it will be gone soon. Double check with ur doc when u see ur PD.
I didn't even apply oil. It will just naturally go away each time you give your LO a bath daily
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I use baby oil + cotton and rub my baby head scalp slowly..it’s clear..
Cradle cap, baby oil will do the trick!
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cradle cap? just apply olive oil
put oil everyday to clean it,
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Apply olive oil or baby oil
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can also try mustela
apply olive oil
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