Hi, do you go to the toilet often during the early stage? Im 5 weeks or so

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yes i went like a countless times everyday then it got better in tri 2 but still many times a day. drink more water to rehydrate yourself

4y trước

yes and thats because i originally have ibs, anything unsure, please check with your gynae ya? generally, pee and fatigue are normal..

Yeah I started realize I’m peeing back to back with no menses and that’s how I got to test UPT and came back positive ◡̈

Yes! But not sure was because i drank alot or what 😂 now in 2nd tri i dun really frequent the toilet so much....

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Early stage not so for me, third trimester was the one I frequent toliet so many times!

Yessss at night I go at least 1-2 times a night now

yes I do.. and it will get more frequent over time

16 weeks and still going to the toilet often

Yes is common, and also feel thirsty

Yup! Last trimester will be worse!

Yes welcome to the club 😅