9 Replies

Hi yes I’m on diclectin too, it helps a little, u get some good days and some bad days, overall just hang in there. I had very bad nausea and vomiting and went for drip 3 times but I’m much better today and am at 14 weeks. Btw regarding the 3 month things, it’s is actually ok to tell ur superior cos it’s work and not an official announcement. My bosses been very understanding and work is so much manageable for me. Anw it’s your comfort level k (: Hwaiting!!! Just remember time will past and u will get better!!

Hi dear, i'm 17 weeks 2nd trimester. My nausea stopped immediately when i reached 2nd trimester. First trimester was really bad for me; i didn't take medicine. But i always bring sour candy when i go out. I avoided going out at 8am-3+pm cause that's when it's the most brightest/hottest and made my nausea worse. I had no appetite eventho there were cravings. I hated water. Brushing my teeth was worse hahaha. Be patient and just go through it; it'll get better 2nd trimester!! I can't stop eating now.🤣🤣🤣

can you share what sour candies you ate during this time?

i had morning sickness when i got to my 8weeks and got worst between week 9 to 13 .. nothing much you can do really .. i was down to only 48kg because i can only (literally) eat plain crackers, toasts with honey and icy cold water .. i cannot see other food, images of food, smell food or even open the fridge .. makes me wanna puke.. but it was a breeze when i got to my 14th week till now currently at 32 weeks .. hang in there!!

My nauseous is bad too. I’m not interested in eating anything. The tongue can only taste sweet stuff, all other stuff become bitter. Not sure if this common? Drink water is worst for me. I’m trying to substitute with fruits juice and other sweet drink. Drink honey water helps for me on nauseous.

I am week 6 and also going thru the same as you, everyday :( i had to tell my boss because I cannot head to the office/client meetings. I ate sugar free sweet to help curb! Hang in there!

sometimes diclectin works for me sometimes it doesnt 😭😭 also worried im too reliant on it. jiayou all mamas going through this 🥲

Try requesting Diclectin pills from your gynae or sipping on 100 Plus? :) Both works well for me in my early pregnancy.

Thank you for all mommies!!! You all so brave I don’t know how to go through this moment 😭

Me too! I drink and eat sour stuff. Also a recommended nausea pill

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