9 Replies

I wld suggest 2-3 weeks before. I didn’t even get to rest at all. Both babies I gave birth just one week before I want to rest 😓 just nice both delivered when I just ended work. Rushed straight from workplace to hospital.

Depends on individuals. Safest is a month, else 1-2 weeks. I stopped mine a day before I went to deliver. (I had a check up the next day and found out that fluid was low so I had to be induced 😅)

Hi babe, I already took 1 month AL ( company policy need to clear my 2021 AL) in Oct before my EDD in Nov. i plan to rest and don’t think about clearing emails 😂😂😂

My gynae gave me 1 month of Hospital leave just to rest before my delivery date. You can request it too!

Will work till delivery.. no plans for taking AL since workplace is nearer to the hospital than home.

took 2-3 weeks before EDD. best decision ever. please take some time to rest before baby arrives!

worked til delivered. jus nice I delivered on the day of my checkup.

1 month (as gynae says baby is big and may come out earlier than EDD)

2 weeks

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