How do you know that you are pregnant?
1)Missing period? 2)Spotting? 3)Smell sensitivity
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missing period 2 hari..test upt line dah terang..3tahun lebih menanti macam x caya naik dua line...hihi... dlm 3thn mcm2 dah org ckp...sampai rsa xnk jmpa sy percaya pd rezeki...alhamdulillah
Badan letih sangat dan mengantuk sgt2 (sye seorg yg aktif), breast getting bigger and veryyy sensitive, abdomen keras, lastly after missing period 5 days I do upt rupanya positive 2 weeks pregnant.. Now, dah 6 weeks ❤
Missing period but never bother to check coz memang irregular. Takde alahan apa apa. Dah 9w pregnant baru terasa lain macam. Selalu rindu husband and terasa mengidam macam macam. Check OPT and got 2 lines.
Tak ada tanda. Cuma 3 hari sebelum tarikh period tu muka naik jerawat teruk, penat melampau, sakit perut macam senggugut ( biasa senggugut kena masa period ) gatal buat upt tuptup naik double line. Dua2 line terang 😊
Panjang ceritanya.... Hahahaa tapi disebabkan termakan tempoyak durian,, pengsan terus masuk wad... Check semua,, dr cakap pregnant... Tapi sy jawab takkkk... Gadoh² dengan dr,, sebab sy baru lepas pantang abortion...
the day period coming , but didn’t, jst spotting , i tot it was my period. then after a weeks , trgerak hati nk cek . skali 2 line . Alhamdulillah . penantian 1 year 8 month marriage..
Extremely tired and exhausted. You feel like having fever and heache. Thats how i know im pregnant. Didnt expext to see upt to be positive after 3 years of trying. But God knows. Im in 13th weeks now 😍
sakit menyucuk 2w sblm period delay. doktor ckp kncg kotor. tp balik rmh kakak ckp, kalo kncg kotor tu besenya nk preggy la tu. hahaha. mmg ye pun. sjk dr tu dah syak preggy smpaila bebetul delay baru cek
1.. sebenarnya taknak check sebab every month check neg.. tp check jugak bila lewat period 2 hari. Alhamdulillah double line. Starting bulan julai 2019 planning nk baby after ank 2nd 5 tahun.
no.1 n no.3😆😆😆✌.. and also feeling too tired n too sleepy ....slalu rs hyperaktif memcm kje leh buat.....tetb jd xbpe nk aktif rs mls2 cpt penat n rs penat semacam....hehe... 😅😅😅✌
Little Mom 146cm with Lil Princesses 1yr n 3yrs