My 17 mths old didn't take the Rotavirus vaccine as I didn't know that there is a deadline. She is entering cc soon and now I'm worried about her. Has anyone not taken the rotavirus vaccine too? Please advise me on other important vaccination that has a deadline too. Thank you.

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Rotavirus is one of the optional vaccines, along with others like varicella (chickenpox) and Hep A - you probably have to check on the schedules for each of them, but I've attached one that I received from polyclinic. As for now, you just have to ensure good hygiene and do frequent washing of her items when she goes to childcare - everyday whenever possible, else at least once a week! Also, do note that vaccines are NOT magical miracle workers - taking a vaccine does NOT mean that your child will not catch whatever you vaccinated against, it just helps to lighten the effects of it because the body already knows what to do to fight it. You can read more about what vaccines are here:

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Polyclinic only started carrying rotavirus vaccine maybe 10months ago. Your kid would have missed the deadline anyway. Each time you go for a mandatory vaccination, the polyclinic would schedule the next madatory vaccination with you. They may also offer you a list of optional vaccinations. Rotavirus is not mandatory. I say, refer to the health booklet for more information.

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8y trước

ohhh I see. thanks for the reply :)

My firstborn was with PD so we did give her the rotavirus vaccine but as my second kid we went to Polyclinic so we did not give it to her as it is not compulsory. It does not mean if you have the vaccine you won't catch the virus just that the symptoms might be milder for some due depend on individual.

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Since your child hasn't taken rotavirus vaccine there is nothing you can do now. Just give her more probiotics to protect her gut health. Have you considered giving her the chickenpox jab too? Most of the required jabs are all taken according to scheduled.

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8y trước

NHG has rotavirus vaccine. Singhealth doesnt carry it until recently only. For chickenpox there is no deadline.

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Yes. My kids never get that jab n she kana rotavirus when she is around 10months old! I regretted never let her take that jab! Ya nothing much u can do now but to build your lo immunity

Even if one has taken Rotavirus jab don't mean won't catch the virus at all. I have seen some kids who took the vaccine yet still got it.

8y trước

ahh ok thanks for the reply! :)

i did the jab for my older boy but not for my second boy. It is not compulsory so don't worry much about it.

8y trước

ahh ok thanks for the reply! :)

Thành viên VIP

It ok if you missed the rotavirus. Try your best to maintain her hygiene.

We din take the rotavirus jab.