14 Replies

It is common for fingers and toes to swell up. According to the American Pregnancy Association, "Swelling is a normal part of pregnancy that is caused by this additional blood and fluid. Normal swelling, which is also called edema, is experienced in the hands, face, legs, ankles, and feet. This extra retention of fluid is needed to soften the body, which enables it to expand as the baby develops."

Super Mum

I have hand pain on week 12, and my gynae say not to wear wedding band anymore. It could be corpus Letum (water retention). Don’t wear ur wedding band alrd. If cannot take it out, Will have to cut the ring

Me started swelling both feet and fingers in the beginning of 2nd trimester.. Some times hand pain till cannot move.. Me too cant wear any rings now.. Currently 31 weeks n feet swollen even more..

Oh no *hugs* 9 more weeks!!! 💪🏻💪🏻

Super Mum

I had swelling on my fingers too during my first trimester then it subside and now going to 3rd trimester soon, i totally cant wear my wedding ring.

Swelling can occur at any trimester depending how severe your water retention is.. I couldn't wear my wedding ring during start of 3rd trimester

VIP Member

Either water rentention or just weight gain that led to larger finger size. Should be a temporary occurrence and resolve after giving birth.

Very normal. My wedding band became too tight and my engagement which was loose previously became just right quite early in my pregnancy.

Sigh. I thought only for feet and from 3rd trimester onwards. Didn’t expect so soon and my fingers too. Boohoo

Are you sick? Maybe a trip to a doctor may diagnose an unknown condition.

It sucks but it’s normally~ part of the journey

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