14month old where can i bring her. Only playground n walk walk. Anything interesting. Live in woodlands

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They don't need to do much. Everything is interesting for them actually. If they revisit the same places, they don't get bored like us adults. They may be exploring or refining the way they do something - like climbing or swinging

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causeway point level 2 beside Adidas have 1 indoor playground or level 7 outdoor water fun for LO at halal food court...my boy is 14months also n he loves it,what's more its fun n it's free 🖒😊

7y trước

thnzz babe

Library. Swimming. Just downstairs to look for bird or dogs. Play date. Let baby play the slide (if not too high), climb stair case. Take LRT or mrt or bus let them see around

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You can always bring her to the library or even to the malls and explain to them about the things around them.

Swim? Water playground? Library/ supermarket / zoo/ birdpark

museums, library, outdoor play. nature is good :)

Swimming! cheap good and free :)