My 13month old gal having phelgm in the throat (think for about 3wks) been going back to pd and the pd change medicine for her but it did not works at all. And it has be too long so she was given antibiotic for 5days (is her 2nd day) with cough and phelgm medicine. Is there anyway to get the phelgm out of her or should i bring her to suck out the phelgm? Does applying vicks on her back, chest and foot works for the phelgm?

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my son use to have it too at a young age ... But he is coughing so pd prescribe us Ventolin . And its works for him. As for applying vicks its help to reduce cough only. Or alternative can suck out the phelgm . Medicine is not good for long term

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maybe you want to try TCM. yuguo at kembangan is very well known and effective. bear in mind the long waiting queue too.