My 12m old boy still does not like to explore or hold objects with both hands. But he will hold his milk bottles during feeds. Most of the time he prefers to use middle fingers to poke the objects unlike other babies who will pick up and explore. He can pick up smaller objects though with either of his hand like a cube, ball, rattle or a bowl if he wants to but he likes to bang it on the table so that it produces a sound which he enjoys. Do u think this is normal? I have never seen any other baby who is not interested in holding things & doesnt explore with both hands. He is also behind in other motorskills, So far he can babbles, roll, sit, tummy crawl and walk when held, attempts to cruise a few steps by himself beside the table but v unstable. he also doesnt get up from tummy to sit nor attends to stand by pulling himself up. socially he has good eye contacts and is generally smiley & happy. he is 12m already

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