My 11.5 months baby keep falling sick ever since he attends infant care. I wanna feed him sambucol (for 1-12 years old. He will only turn 1 year old in two weeks' time). He is down with flu again today. Can I feed sambucol? He still have two more weeks before he turns 1 year old. Does it matter that he is short of two weeks b4 he turns 1 year old? Cos sambucol label says for 1-12 years old.

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I wouldnt self medicate children under 1 yo. They are too young. Bring him to the PD and get professional help rather than self medicate. I think thats the best. Self medicate under 1 yo might run into cases where they might be allergy to certain drugs and also the dosage on the box is also as a guide.

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Please do not self medicate. The child is under a year old. In fact kids below 2 years old have very limited medicines.

I got the sambucol for Iherb and really started only after 12 months and that too not even daily.

Better to check with Paed