
My 1 years old son bang the wall while walking now his forehead got balaku . Help me what shall i do .

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Oh dear. As Long no bleeding or concussion. Keep on rub his head. Use ice cube n small towel. It will be okay. Do observe him for 1-2 days.

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4y trước

Thank you💞

Influencer của TAP

Mine had a balaku with cut but not much bleeding nor vomit. Rubbed with egg & also tried zumbak. Young so heal ok.

Observe and see whether theres any vomiting or sleepiness. If not just ice and apply some zumbak

Thành viên VIP

No vomit nvm. Just rub rub a bit. Will recover very fast de.

Thành viên VIP

Rug for him and Monitor see he has fever or vomit or not

Thành viên VIP

Cold compression. Check his response n monitor him

Thành viên VIP

Do bring your son to the doctor...

Thành viên VIP

Rub rub.