My 1 year old is going on his first flight. Any tips that can make his travel smoother? I am afraid he might experience pain in the ears.

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For ear pain, it is recommended to feed the baby something during take-off and landing. You can either breastfeed her or give her something to munch on. If the flight is a long one, I'd recommend having some of her favorite toys to keep her entertained. Kids can get cranky or hyperactive if they're not sleeping. Also, if you have some new toys, in-flights are when you can introduce them -- the excitement of unwrapping the new toy and figuring it out keeps them amused to no end. Just be sure it's not something they can't figure out. These days, a lot of parents resort to electronic gadgets to keep kids busy during flights. While they do draw raised brows from fellow passengers, don't feel too guilty about it -- you're just trying to keep yourself and everyone else sane.

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