Các loại hạt/ thực phẩm từ sữa


Chinese fermented bean curd

Các loại hạt/ thực phẩm từ sữa

Dinh dưỡng

Protein, Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Oxalic Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus

Mang thai

Fermented bean curd is okay to eat during pregnancy, but in moderation due to the high salt content. It has Phytoestrogens, which have been linked to a lowered risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and menopausal symptoms.

Hậu sản

You can eat fermented bean curd in moderation after giving birth. The protein and calcoum are good for your health and overall recovery. Watch out for high sodium content and preservatives.

Cho con bú

It is okay to have tofu or Chinese fermented bean curd, as long as it is had in moderation. It is a good source of protein and calcium for vegetarian mums. If you have allergies, hypothyroidism, or are not supposed to have soya products, please avoid.

Trẻ sơ sinh

Fermented bean curd is not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.