Hải sản



Hải sản

Dinh dưỡng

Omega 3, Vitamin B12, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium

Mang thai

Caviar is fish eggs/roe. It should be avoided in pregnancy despite the nutrients it contains, due to the risk of listeria contamination, especially if the caviar is unpasteurised.

Hậu sản

During the postpartum period, your body needs to recover. A nasty infection like listeria poisoning can severely interfere with the recovery process. Caviar, especially when unpasteurised, has been linked with listeria-caused food poisoning so it's best to avoid.

Cho con bú

You can eat caviar with caution. Unpasteurised caviar may be contaminated with the bacteria listeria, so it's best to avoid and stick to only pasteurised caviar.

Trẻ sơ sinh

Caviar is not suitable for babies due to the risk of listeria poisoning.