Các loại Hạt



Các loại Hạt

Dinh dưỡng

Folate, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Protein, Lecithin, Carotene

Mang thai

Various nutrients found in cowpea are very beneficial to pregnant women, so mummies-to-be, enjoy this ingredient as much as you want! Nutrients in cowpea can contribute nutrition to expectant mothers and fetus, and also improve immunity.

Hậu sản

After giving birth, you can also continue to add cowpeas to your diet because it is rich in nutrients that help digestion, increase appetite, and improve immunity. High carotene in cowpeas help mothers recover faster and maintain your eye and skin health.

Cho con bú

Yes, breastfeeding mothers can eat cowpeas! Cowpeas are rich in nutrients that can help digestion, increase appetite, and improve immunity. Carotene in cowpeas is high, which can help maintain eye and skin health, improve rough skin and improve breast milk quality!

Trẻ sơ sinh

Babies who are over 6 months old can eat cowpeas. However, it is recommended to add them with other complementary food and it must be well-cooked.