Ngũ cốc nguyên Hạt



Ngũ cốc nguyên Hạt

Dinh dưỡng

Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, Fibre, Protein, Mangenese, Magnesium, Carbohydrates, Antioxidants

Mang thai

Buckwheat is a great source of dietery fibre and protein. So mummy-to-be, if you have no known allergy to this, you can safely consume it during pregnancy. Buckwheat helps improve immunity, lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and stimulate the baby's brain development.

Hậu sản

Buckwheat contains many essential nutrients and antioxidants that are needed by postpartum mothers. This grain has fibre, and aids in healthy digestion, which is something you need, mummy!

Cho con bú

Breastfeeding mums, if you like it, have it. Buckwheat contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that can improve vision, regulate blood sugar and blood lipids, and prevent iron deficiancy anemia.

Trẻ sơ sinh

This nutirient-rich grain can be given to weaned babies at around 6 months. It is rich in several nutrients and antioxidants that stimulate your baby's brain development.