Các loại Hạt


Brazil Nut

Các loại Hạt

Dinh dưỡng

Calories, Protein, Fat, Fiber, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Selenium, Vitamin E

Mang thai

Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium. Selenium can protect your body from all sorts of chronic conditions and prevent or help regulate thyroid problems.

Hậu sản

Brazil nuts contain selenium which is important for increasing the body’s immune function. And also it helps new mum to have less mood disturbances.

Cho con bú

Brazil nuts are a great snack for breastfeeding mothers. They are full of selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium.

Trẻ sơ sinh

If completely ground and served in scant quantities, you can give brazil nuts to your baby after 12 months in very limited quantities. Though Brazil nuts are packed with many nutrients , they also contain an extraordinary amount of selenium, an essential nutrient that can be toxic if consumed too frequently and/or in high quantities.