Hải sản



Hải sản

Dinh dưỡng

Vitamins A, C, D and E, Protein, Calcium, Amino Acids

Mang thai

Expectant mothers can eat anglerfish (also known as monkfish). However, take precautions because anglerfish could contain mercury. Eat no more than 150 g per week. Apart from that, anglerfish meat is delicious, rich in gelatine, and has a low cholesterol content. This makes it suitable for expectant mothers with symptoms such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia during pregnancy.

Hậu sản

Mothers can eat anglerfish after childbirth. It has good repairing effects on postpartum stretch marks and helps mothers better absorb calcium and improve resistance to diseases. Due to high mercury levels, don't eat more than 150g a week.

Cho con bú

Breastfeeding mothers can eat anglerfish, with caution. It may have high levels of mercury so don't eat more than 150 g per week. For breast-fed babies, anglerfish stimulates bone growth and nervous system development.

Trẻ sơ sinh

Anglerfish is not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.