I try so hard to be that "normal" mom/person. When in reality, I'm nowhere near. Simple things like getting out of bed, brushing my teeth and keeping to a routine maybe an effortless thing for you. That isn't the case for me. It takes so much more effort and by the time i get out of bed, brush my teeth and wash my face I'm exhausted. I won't give up, so i decided to run and keep running. Along the way many passerby stared at me. I think its because i was running with my 1 year old son in a pram at 4pm under the hot sun. I tunnelled vision my way through to reach to my destination. Simply because there is a bigger picture which you can't see. I need to get out and run to ride through the peak of my anxiety. #me #running #anxiety #fight #mom #depression #searchingm3 You can help to create awareness for others in need by sharing and liking the facebook page to show your support. @Searchingm3
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I have 2 elder kids, and tbh, no issues in getting a name for them. But this 3rd one proves to be a challenge. My hb searched a name for my 1stborn son, and the name he chose connected with me instantly, and the meaning behind the name was nice. Something I really like... My 2nd one, daughter, I already have a name in mind. So upon reading up for the meaning, I instantly connected with it, too. But my 3rd one, boy. And no names come up. Nothing at all. I've been browsing and looking at all the names, but nothing. There is no connection at all... Now at 32 weeks, and I'm kinda worried. I gave birth at 35 weeks and 37 weeks for my son and daughter. I'm worried my 3rd one comes out nameless. 😅My hb got suggestions, but I don't 'feel' connected to the names he has suggested. Am I the only one feeling this way? Pls tell me it's my anxiety creeping in... 😮💨 #advicepls #pleasehelp #muslimbabyboynames #anxiety
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I'm a first time mummy and I have lots to worried. My 2mths old little one had this weird noise as if hard to breathe noise once awhile everyday and so I brought him to kkh. Doc said it's croup and he was given steroid. After 2hrs of observation, doc released us to go back home. My concern : during consultation doc mentioned that if child below 3 yrs old will need to be warded but he said my lil one is okay. But asked me if I'm confident to go home ? How am I supposed to be confident now when he said so? But still I brought him home and monitor him closely. How long will croup last after steroid? Will it get worsen? On and off he still have the weird inhaling noise. #firsttimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #anxiety
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Hi mommies 💛 im 37 weeks pregnant , also first time mother and gg into the labour room soon , i cant sleep well these few days , overthinking + anxiety .. scared of giving birth i dont know how to calm my self , especially my biggest trauma is when the doctor have to put their finger inside our v .. to check cm .. its feel burning sensation n i couldnt take it .. also my nurse asked me if i want to get admitted on 21 february to induce or not , but i scared cos of they insert the tablet . Should i wait for contractions to begin ?? Any advice for anxiety first time mother like me especially when inside the labour room to give birth ..#pleasehelp #anxiety #phobia #First_Baby
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