I feel hopeless in life. I just got married and I found out my husband talking to another girl, who he claimed as a long time friend. They haven't been chatting for many years and recently just started catching up. They sent photos to one another as he said they haven't seen each other's faces for years. He also send her photo of a sunset, and the food he eats daily. He told her he's married and has a unborn baby on the way. Still, she still sends him good morning everyday, and replies him around odd timings like 1.30am. Even when she's busy with work, she finds him to chat. I just feel disappointed that my husband ask me to be more open minded about him chatting with his friends and wishes me to understand his culture of friendship. Please advise. #advise #husbandfriends #hormones #first pregnancy
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Any mummies here went through natural birth with episiotomy? How was your experience like ?(if you don't know mind sharing) My first birth was a traumatic one because of the episiotomy 😭 I didn't expect them to literally just snip me whilst I was having contractions. Aren't they supposed to inject some sort of anaesthetic first to numb us??? Cause during stitching , resident Doc injected the area to numb me , but kinda shocked they don't do that during snipping 😮💨 I've heard so many mums sharing they don't feel a thing during episiotomy cause they were numbed due to the injection but not for my case. The midwife who handled me didn't even warn me about it. Now that I'm almost due with baby 2 , I can't help but feel anxious about labour because of my experience.. Is there any way to avoid having tears during birth? Does perineum massage helps? I read having sex helps alot but unfortunately, sex is so uncomfortable for me these days that I don't enjoy it at all. 😭😭😭 Do share with me your episiotomy stories if any and tips to reduce / avoid tears during birth. Thank you!! #nervous_excited #advise #episiotomy #labourstory
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