Wearable pump for pumping at work
Hi mummies! For milk collection at work, would you recommend getting: (1) a proper wearable pump (e.g imani, be free etc), OR (2) a wearable collection cup (e.g. youha collection cups - see image below) to connect to your traditional hospital grade pump such as spectra/medela? Am wondering if the 2nd option will be more efficient at milk collection but potentially more cumbersome? Would appreciate any advice and brand recommendations as well! Thanks! :) #FTM #pumping
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Hi all! I’m a FTM here and I’m planning to sleep with my LO once my confinement nanny leaves. However I’m afraid that when I pump at night my baby will “smell” my milk and wake up. Does this happens? Because I once tried to pump next to her in the afternoon while she was asleep and she woke up screaming for milk. #advicepls #1stimemom #pleasehelp #firstbaby #breastfeed #pumping TIA! appreciate it mommies
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Hi mummies, please advice me as a first time mom when we start producing milk. I am 23 weeks now. There are changes in the size of my breasts and nipple. I heard after you give birth then youll start producing but at the same time youll able to start pumping beforehand. I am doubting my ability to produce milk too so i need some assurance 🥹 #firsttimemom #pumping #milk
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