Hi everyone! I am currently at 14weeks and my next gynae appt will be in 2 weeks time. My last scan was when I was at 12 weeks. It's a month of wait for my next scanning appt. I cant help but to worry if my baby is okay. Any tips or clues to know that baby is fine besides ultrasound scan? #1stimemom #pregnancy #justasking
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Any other fellow healthcare workers on this forum working on rotating shift basis ? I've been considering to request for a change of department during this period . I believe my reasons are strong enough to justify that ; 1) before I was expecting I was having hand issue ( tendonitis , synovitis at my wrist area , did an MRI last year it shows I have a tear - however I have not proceed for surgery ) 2) Now I am still in my first trimester - I do feel that my body clock is kind of upside down 🤷🏻♀️ not tolerable in doing night shifts not just this being in an inpatient setting; lotsa physical demands 😔😣 till my hand , back hurts . When at work it can be super frustrating demanding patients u name it Even the most trivial req from them really kind of piss me off . I wonder how other preggy healthcare workers cope 😔 #No_bully #justranting #justasking
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