Private Obgyn for Diabetic Mother
I’m a diabetic (type 2) mother-to-be, currently with kkh (subsidised). At KKH, I’m seen by an obgyn and endocrinologist everytime when I go for my appointment. Any diabetic (type 1/2) mothers with private obgyn to recommend? I am looking to switching to private soon. Thank you in advance 🙏🏻 #advicepls #firsttimemom #Diabetes
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I failed my first hour ogtt by 0.3mmol and was told im diagnosed with GD. But is it true that mummies confirm will pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes in 3-6yrs? Im in my early 30s i cant imagine myself getting diabetes at such a young age. 😔 this pregnancy stressing me out #advicepls #firstmom #gdm #diabetes #firsttimemom
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I failed my first hour ogtt by 0.3mmol and was told im diagnosed with GD. But is it true that mummies confirm will pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes in 3-6yrs? Im in my early 30s i cant imagine myself getting diabetes at such a young age. 😔 this pregnancy stressing me out #advicepls #firstmom #gdm #diabetes #firsttimemom
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Week 29 3hr blood sugar increase
My blood sugar recently went haywire. My post meal 2hr blood sugar is within normal but when i tested 3rd hour it increased to 6.7 to 7. Especially when im about to sleep. I control my diet by consuming lesser carbs but why is this happening to me? Pls help im so scared my GDM is out of control. #gdm #pleasehelp #ftm #firstbaby #diabetes #bloodsugar
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