Hi mummies. Currently my lo is 4 months old and I started to unswaddle her. I realised that she started to move and sleep on her left side. I don't think she can move and sleep at the back unless I move her. I'm afraid of SIDS. What's Ur opinion mummy? Should I continue to swaddle her till she can rollback on her own? My baby now sleep through out the night at least 5 to 6 hrs. #firstbaby #advicepls #1stimemom #worryingmom #1sttime
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My baby is 6 months old and her eyes are always watery. We used nasal spray to clear her nose now and then. But the right eye always got water. Tried doc prescribed eye drops and nasal drops. But no use. Please suggest if anything I can do about it. #firstbaby #pleasehelp #FTM #advicepls #1sttime #firstmom
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My baby right eye is always watery. We try to clear her nasal by nasal spray every now and then. But the water in eyes is always there. We did all suggested by pediatrician. It stops then again it starts within days. Tried eye drops and nasal spray together too. Any suggestions to stop this? I should be worried.#firstbaby #pleasehelp #FTM #advicepls #1sttime #firstmom #eyes #Ent
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