Short survey on parenting style
hi Parents out there, I am based in Sydney, and I'm working on a startup idea to help improving bonds between parents and kids. Me and my cofounder Francisco, would like to conduct a short survey with roughly 30 parents. I hope parents out there ca help us out. Thanks. Click this link to help us with the survey - https://forms.gle/j4BVru6sHmbLcu6GA
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hi Everyone, One of the problem with modern day lifestyle is that, kids are overwhelmed with school work, while parents are busy with their job. And overtime, a lot of families may suffer from a lack of communications which could led to other problems with emotional wellbeing. In order to deal with this problem, me and my team is working on an idea called Memory Capsule for Family, where busy parents can leave message of love to their kids while kids are busy with their school work. And vice versa. The type of messages will be driven by our researched program which we aim at improving the positive thinking of all members in the family. Please take a look at our landing page - https://mcapsule.wisetreeapps.com. I look forward to hear for feedbacks from parents out there :)
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