20 weeks Detailed Scan (FA Scan)
Just went for my detailed scan at SGH, doctor mention baby is growing well with good heart beat and good weight but unfortunately the scan shows baby heart is enlarged and there is no blood flow to the right ventricle. Doctor mention is serious and schedule appointment for me to see KKH cardiologist to do fetal echo. mummies out there who encountered same issue can share ur experience pls. #advicepls #pleasehelp
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Doctor confirmed that I had miscarriage on 20 Apr 2023... This is my 2nd miscarriage.... Base on the ultrasound, doctor mention that there is still abt 2cm pregnancy leftover in my womb and she prescribed me with Misoprostol. I had to insert 3 tables into my vagina for a period of 2 days with a day interval in between... The 1st insertion was done on 24 Apr and the 2nd was done on 26 Apr 2023. May I know roughly how long will the bleeding last? Ladies who have went to this procedure, can help to share Ur experience pls. #advicepls #pleasehelp
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Today gynecologist confirmed my miscarriage but base on ultrasound, I have 2cm of pregnancy leftover... She prescribed me with Misoprostol 200mcg... Which needs to be inserted to my vagina... According to the gyne, I will experience extreme pain. On Oct'22 I had my 1st miscarriage and during that time, I pass out all my pregnancy tissues naturally. Any ladies out there have inserted Misoprostol? Can share the experience.#pleasehelp
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Hi, mummies can I check usually how long will there be spotting/bleeding during 1st trimester? I'm currently on dydrogesterone for 3 times a day have been taking it since 28 Mar, the 2 weeks of medication will be ending tomorrow and tomorrow is also my next gynaecologist appt... base on Lmp I'm suppose to be 8 weeks 6days pregnant but base on the scan I did on 5 Apr, I'm only 5weeks pregnant... back in Oct'22, I had a miscarriage... thus feeling very worried and anxious... as of now I still feel nausea and tenderness in breast. #firsttimemom #advicepls
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My LMP was on 7 Feb 2023. On 28 Mar'23, I had brown discharge and on the same afternoon I went for my 1st gynaecology appointment. Gyne did abdominal and vaginal scan, only sac could be seen. Base on scan i was 4 weeks pregnant. Gyne prescribed me with dydrogesterone for 2 weeks to support the pregnancy and help with the discharge as I previously had a miscarriage on Oct'22. Next gynaecologist appt was scheduled on 11 Apr'22. Since 28 Mar'23, whenever I pee, there is brown discharge and yesterday 5 Apr'23, I experience 1st episode of bleeding of fresh blood on the tissue... @ night I went to SGH A&E, they did abdominal and vaginal scan. Base on scan I'm 5weeks 6days and there is fetal pole. Docotor mention there is no heart beat yet as it still early but he did mention its threaten miscarriage and advised me to continue taking dydrogesterone and to see my gynaecologist on the scheduled date. He did mention if I continue to bleed high chance that I bleed the 'tissue'out. Today when I pee saw blood clots... getting very worried... any mummies experience this??? #advicepls #firsttimemom
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Spotting / Bleeding in 1st Trimester
Usually how long does spotting/bleeding last during the 1st trimester? Doctor prescribed me with dydrogesterone for 2 weeks. Its almost 6 days since I took it 3 times a day. @ times the spotting is in very light brown and @ times its dark. This only happens whenever I pee and there is no trace of any spotting / bleeding in the pad/pentyliner. Next gynaecologist appointment is on 11 Apr 2023. Any mummies out there when through the same? Feeling very anxious as back in Oct'22 I had a miscarriage. Worried that history might repeat again 😢 #pleasehelp #advicepls
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After taking dydrogesterone how long does it take for the spotting/ bleeding to stop? Doctor advice me to take for 2 weeks to support my pregnancy plus stop the spotting... back in Oct'22 I had a miscarriage. yesterday I did 1st abdominal & vaginal scan, can only see sac. Docotor mention base on scan, I'm only 4 weeks pregnant. Need to go back in 2 weeks time for another scan... still having brown discharge. Feeling very worried #firsttimemom #advicepls
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