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Heide Labitag, Philippines

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Giới thiệu Heide Labitag

stay at home wife/mom to my two wonderful kids (boy & girl).

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mommy dialogue

Come visit & join cetaphil mommy dialogue community page on FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/CetaphilMommyDialogues The insight of this community are moms helping moms knowing more about @cetaphilbabyph ; because using cetaphil to our little one is not just beneficial in terms of healthy skin but could also lead to a healthy sleep with no irritant, healthy play being in a good mood & healthy food to energize again. All this healthy starts baby's skin deserves, cetaphil wishes to share with you. So be part of the event this coming April 30, 2020; 6pm at theAsianParent FB page. #cetaphilMommyDialogues #cetaphilBabyMD

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