Toddler Development:Your 29-month-old
29 month old toddler behaviour isn't always easy to deal with. However, with a bit of understanding and some help from us, it'll be a breeze!
Physical Development
Your child is starting to develop his motor skills even more at this age, so you’ll see him running around a lot! He also loves to dance, jump, and do all sorts of activities with you. He can get pretty active at this stage, so be ready for it!
Parenting Tips:
- Keep in mind that your child will constantly be trying to run around and will be testing the limits of his independence. So be sure to always keep an eye on him, but also keep your distance to make him feel that he’s capable of doing things by themselves.
- Scrapes and bumps are normal. They are to be expected at this stage and are a part of 29 month old development and milestones.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
If your child is smaller than normal, or is having trouble with his movement and/or coordination, then it might be a good idea to visit the doctor to make sure your child’s physical development is on point.
Remember, genes can also play a role in your child’s height and weight, so it’s best to not be constantly worried if your little one seems a bit small for his age!

Image source: Flickr
Cognitive Development
At this stage of cognitive development, you’ll start to see signs of self-sufficiency at this stage. Your little one might become insistent on dressing himself, drinking from a cup by himself, etc. He might even be able to put on one piece of clothing by himself.
He won’t always do these things perfectly, and mealtimes can be a bit messy, but be sure to encourage his independence, as it helps boost his self-esteem. It also makes him feel more in control of himself and his environment.
Toddlers also start to explore their world at this stage. If they see something that interests them, they’ll quickly run towards it. They’ll also start to check out various things around the house, so it’s a good idea to make sure that anything dangerous is out of reach.
- Encourage your child to become more independent. If he wants to dress himself or drink from a cup, then by all means, let him do so. Letting him become independent at a young age can do wonders for his development, so be sure to encourage this type of behaviour!
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
At this age, it’s normal for some kids to still be dependent on their mums and dads. However, if you feel that your little one is too dependent, or if they’re not exploring their surroundings, it’s a good idea to get them looked at by a specialist to see if there’s anything that you should be concerned about.
Social and Emotional Development
First off, they don’t call it the “terrible twos” for nothing! At 29 months, your child’s behaviour can seem very different from what it was a few months back.
At this stage in your child’s development, you may notice an increase in tantrums. That’s because toddlers tend to experience many frustrations. Usually, this is because it’s hard for them to understand their feelings, and also, they can’t express themselves completely.
As far as 29 month old toddler behaviour is concerned, little ones this age can easily be calmed down, so long as you yourself keep calm and composed. The best way to calm your child down is to talk to him and be firm in explaining what behaviour you expect.
The key here is remaining calm, composed, and understanding why your child is behaving in a specific way.
Toddlers also start to become more friendly at this stage, and they’ll make friends with other kids they see. However, be wary of your toddler’s safety, as toddlers can be too friendly at times. Always keep an eye on your kids at this stage, as some have a habit of walking up to strangers to try and make friends!
- Try to avoid shouting or getting angry at your child whenever they have tantrums or if he refuses to eat the food you’re giving him.
- Do your best to keep calm, and be patient. A good thing to remember is that “persistence is key.” Speak calmly, but firmly, and make sure your toddler understands what you mean.
- Encourage your child to make friends with other kids his age.
- Enroll him in playschool so that he has an opportunity to socialise with other children.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
If it seems that your child’s behaviour is out of control, or if they’re having trouble making friends or socialising, then it’s a good idea to visit the doctor. This age is crucial since you’ll start to notice various behavioural problems, if your child has any.
Speech and Language Development
At 29 months, toddlers already know a lot of words and are usually able to express themselves, albeit with some difficulty. By now, he should be able to name a few colours, as well as different body parts.
29 month old toddlers should be able to understand a wide variety of words. They can usually express themselves verbally, albeit they won’t be able to always speak in complete sentences.
This is also the age when your toddler starts to charm other people. He may even try to start conversations by himself! This is very exciting for parents, since at this stage you can have conversations with your child and he is starting to understand the words that you’re saying.
- Talk to your child constantly. Make it a point to talk during mealtime and to ask your toddler about his day. This helps him practice his words and is also a good way for you to teach him new things.
- Try to include your 29 month old in your conversations so that he feels involved.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
If your little one has trouble understanding words or if his vocabulary still hasn’t developed well enough so that you can understand them, then you should take him to a doctor.
Health and Nutrition
At this age, your toddler should weigh about 12.88 kgs for girls, and 13.42 kgs for boys. In terms of height, girls should be about 89.66 cm tall, and boys measure 90.68 cm tall.
In terms of nutrition, there are a lot of 29 month old development and milestones that are noteworthy.
Toddlers of this age may start getting fussy with food, especially fruits and veggies. If you used to cut up fruits and veggies into tiny pieces in their rice so that they won’t taste them, you’ll find that it might not work anymore.
This can be stressful for a lot of parents, since they start to worry if their child is indeed getting enough nutrition. However, this is totally normal behaviour.
For vaccines, your child should already have their chickenpox, MMR, flu, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B shots. If your child is missing any of these vaccinations, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.
One of the more common illnesses your child could have would be fever, oftentimes together with coughs and colds. For the most part, you shouldn’t be worried since these are common illnesses in children. However, if your child’s fever lasts for more than a week, or if their cough and colds aren’t going away, be sure to take them to a doctor.
Your growing child needs at least 1/2 cup of cooked rice or 1 slice of bread, 1/3 cup of vegetables or meat, and 1/3 cup of fruit per meal to help boost his growth. You can also give him beans, nuts, as well as cheese to help supplement his growth.
Keep in mind that your child’s appetite may change, so these meal recommendations vary depending on your child.
- Part of your child’s 29 month old development and milestones is being picky with their food. In these situations, it’s better to be patient and just give it time. Forcing them to finish their food can create a negative association with the food they eat. They might grow up connecting the negative experience to vegetables or fruits, which can lead to them disliking those types of foods even more.
- Try to avoid giving too many snacks to your child. Focus on making sure they eat properly during mealtime instead.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
If your child’s weight is going down, or if they’re constantly refusing to eat the food you’re giving them, then it’s a good idea to take them to the doctor. At this age, kids can fall prey to worms and other parasites, so it is possible that your child might be sick if their appetite is low.