Birthclub: June 2023 icon

Birthclub: June 2023

3199 Người theo dõi

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First pregnancy - first doctor visit

I’ve just tested after missing a period and it’s positive. I’ve seen various discussion on public and private hospital for deliveries and choosing the right gynaecologist. I’m currently overwhelmed with information and can’t seem to make up my mind on public/ private hospital to then decide my gynaecologist. Can moms please share why you chose public/ private hospital and your consideration in choosing the right gynaecologist? Thanks in advance. #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby Update: I’ve just went for my first appointment with KKH subsidised. I’m currently still deciding based on my experience with KKH subsidised to decide if I would be switching to private within the next couple of sessions. The whole appointment took about 2.5 hours which included the required scan, pee stick test, height and weight measurement and blood pressure test. We then had a consultation with a doctor who provided a brief explanation and understanding of our health condition as well as the EDD (expected delivery date). Subsequently, we waited for a short briefing about FTS Down syndrome test to decide if we would like to proceed with any of the test. Total cost of first visit: $240 After subsidies: $150

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