
Royal Cupcakes

duration35 Thời gian nấu
difficulty_leveltrung bình
meal_typeĐồ Ngọt
cooking_typeNướng lò

Nguyên liệu

  • 15 g white vinegar
  • 300 ml milk
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 g butter , melted and cool
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 ml vanilla essence
  • 250 g self-raising flour
  • 75 g cocoa powder
  • 300 g caster sugar
  • 10 g baking soda
  • 100 g white chocolate chips
  • 90 g dark chocolate (for buttercream icing)
  • 100 g butter (for buttercream icing)
  • 125 g icing sugar (for buttercream icing)

Cách làm

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 C
  2. Combine the flour, sugar, cocoa powder and baking soda into a mixing bowl
  3. Whisk the eggs in a separate jug, with the vanilla essence, melted butter, oil, milk and vinegar
  4. Slowly add the wet mixture into the dry mixture, little by little
  5. Ensure the batter is smooth with no lumps. Finally add the chocolate chips (alternatives could be nuts, dried fruit)
  6. Lay the cupcake cases onto a tray. Use a metal spoon to equally divide the mixture into the cases
  7. Bake for around 15-18 minutes, take out of the oven when golden and springy on touch. Leave to cool
  8. For buttercream topping:
  9. Cream the sugar and butter together, until light and creamy
  10. Add in the warm melted chocolate
  11. If you have a piping bag to hand, pipe the icing on the top of cakes for decoration (otherwise gently use a teaspoon or small spatula to ice)
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