Nguyên liệu
- 1 thìa cà phê fresh lemon juice (finely chopped)
- 1 thìa cà phê fresh ginger root (finely chopped)
- 2 thìa cà phê peppermint leaves (finely chopped)
- 8 ounces boiling water
- Honey (as desired to sweeten)
Cách làm
- Add lemon balm leaf, ginger root and peppermint leaves to a tea ball or infuser. Tea bags are an option, but infusers offer more room for the ingredients to “dance” and infuse better
- Place your infuser of choice in your cup. Pour boiling water over the ingredients in the cup.
- Cover the cup with a lid to keep the heat in and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Remove the infuser
- Enjoy it hot. If you are sweetening it with honey, mix it into the hot tea before chilling it. Add additional mint leaves when serving if desired.
Hãy lưu ý về bất kỳ dị ứng nào mà bạn và gia đình mình có thể gặp trước khi thử món ăn này!