
Herba Taxilli Red Dates Snakehead Fish Soup

duration110 Thời gian nấu

Nguyên liệu

  • 1 snakehead fish
  • 30 g herba taxili
  • 10 Chinese red dates seeds removed
  • 1 nhúm salt
  • 1 slice ginger

Cách làm

  1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Pan-fry cleaned fish with oil, ginger and spring onion on both sides until slightly golden, then pour 2 litres of water into the pot.
  3. Add all ingredients and cook over high heat until it is boiling.
  4. Switch to low heat and cook for an additional 1.5 hours.
  5. Add salt to taste.
Hãy lưu ý về bất kỳ dị ứng nào mà bạn và gia đình mình có thể gặp trước khi thử món ăn này!