
Ham Bone Sour Vegetables Soup

duration180 Thời gian nấu

Nguyên liệu

  • 1 ham bone leftover
  • Few fresh pork bones optional, only if ham bone is small
  • 1 package preserved mustard greens
  • 3 scallops dried
  • 2 string figs dried

Cách làm

  1. Rinse and then soak the dried scallop and figs in cool water for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Boil your soup water and put in the ham bone, pork bones (optional), dried scallops and dried figs. Boil for one hour.
  3. Rinse the preserved mustard greens briefly in water and chop into smaller pieces.
  4. 10 minutes before serving the soup, put the preserved mustard greens in and boil a few minutes longer.
  5. Serve and enjoy!
Hãy lưu ý về bất kỳ dị ứng nào mà bạn và gia đình mình có thể gặp trước khi thử món ăn này!