Nguyên liệu
- 7-8 unseeded dates
- 2-3 figs , dry
- 1/4 chén walnuts
- 1/4 chén Almonds
- Hot water
- 2 chén chilled milk
- Honey
Cách làm
- Soak all dry fruits in hot water for a half-hour, each in a separate bowl.
- After 30 minutes, take all dry fruits out from water and peel off the skin of almonds.
- Now transfer the dry fruits into Blender and add 1 tablespoon honey in it.
- Add a half cup of chilled milk in Blender and Blend. It will take a bit of time to blend.
- After this step, you will get a thick paste.
- Now add the rest of the milk and blend again.
- After Blending, put it in a glass and enjoy!
Hãy lưu ý về bất kỳ dị ứng nào mà bạn và gia đình mình có thể gặp trước khi thử món ăn này!