30 Các câu trả lời

Yes. I am a working mom and given a chance (if only we have enough for our daily and basic needs) I would love to do so. Our children need us especially during their formative years to guide them and mold them into someone better. That's why I did, I mean Im a hand on mom to my eldest and happened to be a stay at home mom then so I trained her to be independent and taught her some of the important things like reading, establishinh study habits and the likes. Given my current situation right now, a working mom, I am hopeful that I can still do the samething to my youngest.

Maybe I can't really give it up for good. I have this kind of belief that I have fulfill my goals and wishes in life in order to function better in life. I don't know but that's just me. Should I ever get back into flourishing my career, it's a win-win situation for my family and myself. I can grow career-wise and I can be a better provider for my family. But of course, that means grinding even harder to fulfill my responsibilities as a career woman and as a mommy/wife.

Really really hard to do, but I think taking a pause to give them your best at least for the first few years, is doable (if the household doesn't require dual incomes). My friend's mom didn't work for the first 10 years of each kid's life. She was able to resume her career and her kids are awesome so there's definitely something to that thought.

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Yes, Mommy. And I've made that life-changing decision 2 years ago. So far, nami-miss ko man ang pagwo-work in the corporate world, but I'd rather miss this than let someone else (ex. yaya) see her milestones firsthand. Para sa akin lang naman yun. Kaniya-kaniya naman tayo ng circumstances and situation sa buhay. So far, I have no regrets 😊

if i can then i would. kaso walang ibang magsusupport sa kids ko kundi ako lang. The father of my kids are not with us anymore. Kung makakahanap nga sana ako ng company that would allow me to work from home kasi hirap ipagkatiwala ang anak sa yaya. yaya's now are not giving the same love sa mga bata like before.

yes. i almost finish my contract.. i think 14days na lang uuwi na ko. pero nung malaman kong preggy ako di na ko nagtake ng risk,nagdeclare agad ako tapos uwi agad. :) and planning not to come back anymore. want to focus myself in raising my baby the way I want them to be

for me, there is no need for setting a side. I have one baby and she is 7months old. im a working student mama & a wife but still have time for my family. by this kind of living, i think im giving my best & full efforts to my family.

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in my case yes, kasi walang ibang mag-aalaga ke baby saka napag-usapan naman namin yun ni hubby before magkaron ng baby na magfulltime ako sa baby saka as long as kaya naman ni hubby suportahan ang family nyo. 😉👍😊

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yes po. preggy pa lang nagresign nako kasi maselan pagbubuntis ko. tas hindi nako nagwork naging full time mom ako. nakakatuwa kasi na makita yong paglaki ng anak mo. saka nakakatakot iwan o paalagaan sa iba si baby

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