My wife is very hot tempered and she like to hit me when she lose her temper. She will dig her fingernail into my skin and sometimes she will slam my head against the wall. I don't want to hit her back. I love her. I believe she loves me too. How can I calm her down. And stop her from abusing me like this.

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Maybe have a serious talk(open mind)with her about the relationship between you and your wife, ask her about how she feels or general questions about living married life and so on it might help. After hard times with the baby and other problems I recognize myself become a very angry person and use a lot of bad words that I never like to use it so I decided to have a serious talk(open mind)with my husband and we have a talk every month about living and life and so on to make sure that we will go along together no matter what. It’s really help me and my husband I hope it help you too. I’m sure if you love each other you two will find situation 🤞

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