5 Các câu trả lời

Here are 93 pasta recipes to choose from! From Alfredo to Ziti, everything's here. What a crazy idea you and your wife got in there. Enjoy! :) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1575228109458839.1073741843.1504463083202009&type=3

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Here are 4! https://ph.theasianparent.com/4-quick-and-easy-pasta-recipes/ Then of course there's everyone's favorite Pinoy-style sweet spaghetti. You can also try a meaty or veggie lasagna!

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You can never go wrong with the all time favourite Carbonara or Spaghetti. Instead of using meat, I suggest replace it with spicy tuna :)

Try topping your pasta with sisig and pour olive oil on it!

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