Which Chinese traditional medicine would you not recommend I take if I am trying to conceive?

Many many many. But the best is to see a TCM practitioner to have your body assessed because it is about holistic approach and to help support the body to conceive. Then you can have a better understanding of your own body's needs to help you try to conceive. In fact, if you are trying to conceive and is considering TCM, pls DO NOT self medicate - because everybody's body needs are different and different kinds of medicine are needed/need to be avoided in the different phases of the menstrual cycle.
Read moreIt’s advisable to avoid cold drinks if u are trying to conceive, according to my tcm physician. Regarding the type of tcm not to take, best to confirm with ur tcm physician as everyone’s constitution varies. One type of tcm may be suitable for some but not others. :)
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