Where do you do full health screening? Which one should i pick?

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Hi actually normal GP also has health screening packages. I did mine at the clinic downstairs. They will send your urine and blood samples out to a lab for testing. However I recommend you go for health screening packages which involves ultrasound which for men maybe pelvic scan is good. A lot of diseases cannot be tested just by blood samples and only ultrasound can scan these things. If you want to do ultrasound then it is better to go to an integrated clinic for eg raffles medical https://www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com/health-screening/enhanced-packages/overview NTUC income also has health screening packages http://www.income.com.sg/value-added-services/referral-services/health-screening Asia Medic packages: http://www.asiamedic.com.sg/health-screening/health-screening-packages/health-screening-packages-overview

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I did mine at Pacific health. Signed up for the package. Under 1 k for full screening