Whenever we visit my Husband's parents. My mom in law always took control of my son. She feed him, napping, etc. It seems like i don't have permission to touch my own son. I know she might missed her grandson but i feel powerless. What should i do?

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I would have been grateful, for that very short break and make use of the time for myself or bonding with husband and the rest of the family.

Be grateful mommy, i wish my MIL would take care of my lo like the way ur MIL did to ur lo...

Your mother in law wanted a bonding time with your son. You just take this as a break time.

Take it as a short break.. Let them feed n play with ur kids and u enjoy ur food peaceful.

My mil is same way she trys to be mom we stay here with them at the moment and it's tough

Wow...Its great Take it positively.. U r blessed to have Mil like her...👍👍

Same goes to me. Just distract yourself with some me time

And she doesn't respect our wishes with him his premiee