When will you start planning to have a second child ? Any age gaps ?

It depends on individual. For me, ideally is 3 yrs apart. Easy to handle and also 3 yrs bonding. Elder child is able to understand and interact with younger child. Con would be that you have to start all over again. No matter what, a child is a blessing from god.
Read moreThere is no specific idwal age gap. Most importantly you and yr spouse must be ready. There are many factors that you will hv to consider especially caregiver part and financially. Don't get have a kid when everyone is having one or when people pressurized you.
Read moreBoth me and my partner grew up with siblings who are born two years apart and we both agree that being close in age has alot of advantages. So, we'll probably go down that route too. 3 kids - hopefully all about two years apart :)
If I wasn't single I would want to try now as my youngest is turning 3 this month and my oldest is 5 in July and I want another baby :(
As for us, we're ready for another blessing after 7 years as we got preggy very EARLY lol. Yes our girl is now in primary 1.
Mine is currently 2 years and if I can choose again, I'll stick with 2 years still.
they said better no more than 5 years. I would say between 3-4 years max
I don't think there is an ideal age gap. Let's fate decide
ideally i hope to have 2 yrs gap with my #1
Me and my husband are thinking 1-2 years