When can I stop putting diaper rash cream at night? Does it only stop when they are potty trained?

My prevention method is to use cotton with water (or just rinse with water when LO older) to clean instead of using wipes. Make sure the faeces are cleaned away completely. Both urine and s*** can cause rashes. No rashes no need cream. I use sebamed baby cream instead of diaper cream as I find it difficult to clean. After cleaning, air dry completely before putting new diaper. It helps a lot to keep dampness and discomfort away and reduce rashes. Two cents' worth from my personal experience.
Read moreI only apply as and when required especially at night. I find that its rather uncomfortable to apply the cream for my baby as the cream will be sticky too. Afterall, i will change the diaper quite regularly and air my baby's bottom so she seldom has rashes. So i actually stopped like 4months after usage. Then only apply when there is rashes again which seldom occurs.
Read moreIf you're talking about medicated creams like Desitin, we only ever applied it once when he had a diaper rash - and stopped after that! Never had to use it again thankfully :) If you're talking about normal baby lotion, we stopped applying it regularly after a year or so - now only applying when there's redness!
Read moreI will only apply nappy rash cream whenever there is a nappy rash. If you use it so often, your baby may to immune to the medication and the cream may not work on the baby when needs arise. You just have to ensure that the diapers are changed regularly to prevent nappy rash in the day time especially.
Read moreI still put diaper rash cream for my girl every time I change her diaper . Even at night . I feel prevention is better as if rashes appear and we start to apply rash cream , it may not work immediately and the rashes really hurts their fragile skin . I love to see my baby girl happy everyday
I'm with the league that uses diaper rash cream only when baby is having rashes, right from day 1.. Note that diaper rash cream usually contain strong chemicals and long term usage may result in the baby being immune to the cream and it may not work as well when there is really rashes..
In fact it is not neccessary to apply any nappy rash cream since birth. Baby skin are very thin and sensitive. Apply if there is a rash only. You may wana get mustela barrier cream which is milder. This help to prevent rashes. Dont use nappy rash cream as they are harsh on skin
My son is 11months old. Till now, no diaper rash. Never used any diaper rash cream. If no rash then no need to use rash cream. Whenever possible, better u wash with water rather than wipes. Leave the baby without diaper at least for 1hour. For my son, these 2tips works well.
Have friends who stopped at around 6-7 months and only apply when they see baby having rashes. Also had one who only applied when there's rashes and did not do so there is none. So far so good, baby is coming to one year old and seldom gets rashes.
Diaper rash is because the baby feel hot so have to keep clean and change the diaper. If like changing 1 day 3 diaper, change it to 1 day 4 to 5. Everytime change of diaper clean with water or wiper ( I clean with water) than apply the cream.